Ask Joe Bananas
Ask Joe Bananas
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Industry: Publishing and Printing

Founded: 2015

The mission of Ask Joe Bananas is to ensure that car buyers are better informed than they have been in the past when buying or leasing a vehicle. Too often the consumer is taken advantage of by the dealer during the buying process. It is our goal to make sure buyers receive more disclosure from the dealer, and are treated in a more respectful manner than they have been in the past.

To address this need we felt a handbook should be published with consumer tips in a simple and easy-to-read format. Our guide is specifically designed to arm the buyer with helpful, factual and insightful information that should result in them saving even more money on their vehicle purchase. In addition, we have included realistic strategies that can be used by people with challenged credit to rehabilitate their credit score, and eventually qualify for financing at a lower interest rate, once they have re-established their 'credit ability'.